9 posts

Bay Beach

BAY BEACH FORT ERIE. ON This home on the shore of Lake Erie was designed for a lovely couple looking to retire and ensure low energy costs on a fixed income. It was determined early on that the design and construction would target Passive House Certification. As such, it is […]


BALLYRONAN TORONTO, ON The design of this open-concept home is meant to align with the personality of both its inhabitants as well as the aesthetic of the encompassing neighborhood. The brick finish and concealed garage blend seamlessly with the surrounding community typology while the spacious interior areas lend themselves to […]


what ph43 has been working on Passive House Days 2020! 4 years ago This year due to the continuing COVID19 restrictions around the world the International Passive House Association decided to do their Passive house open Days virtually! As Passive House Canada is a partner of the IPHA, we also […]